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Beavers are nature’s engineers. By changing and renaturalising the landscape around them, they can help us combat climate change and boost biodiversity. From coppicing trees to damming smaller water courses and creating narrow canals, beavers create the ideal habitat for species such as frogs and toads, otters, water voles, dragonflies and birds.
Their actions also benefit people, creating and expanding wetlands that act like a sponge to hold back water, reduce downstream flooding and store carbon. Beaver dams have also been shown to improve water quality, reducing the effects of agricultural run-off and harmful chemicals on the water supply.

Whilst beavers can bring a range of benefits, if not managed effectively their activities could have negative impacts too, on farm businesses and fishing interests in particular. It’s important we use all the evidence gathered and experiences we have heard to make sure the Park Authority is there to support land managers and deal with any issues quickly and effectively.

Find out more about beavers